1. Aspect emotion
2.The expression of emotion
3.Psychological change during emotion
4.The role of the nervous system
5.Emotion and Health
6.How emotions develop
7.Adjustment in marrige
1. Ascept emotion
whhat is emotion?
feelingssubjective experiencephenomenological awarenesscognitive interpretation.
Bodily arousal Bodily preparation for actin physilogical activiation Motor responses.
Sense of purpose Impulse to actoin Goal-directed motivtion functional aspect to cooping.
Social - expressive social communication Facial express vocal expression.
What is ascept emotion?
Aperson's emotional make up is shown in his likes and dislikes, whether he is aggressive or docile.
how he responds when things become difficult.how quickly hegive to anger or whether he can take a job or not . what kinds of sense humor.
he possesses andthe like
2.The Expressino of Emotion
the expression of emotion have tow kind of thing.
1.the phisical expression of emotoin.
2.vocal expression of emotioncal .
1>physical expression of emotion plays an important part in our interation with the world around us.the over responses of body part, face.
as a action,bad behaviour ,don't smile ,sitting and walking it is not smart.
as a good action ,good behaviour ,with smiling ,standing, walking and sitting are so smart.
vocal expression of emotion
ocal mechanism are directly involved manipulating the enviroment. in anger ,not polite,unhappy.hard speech.
change inflection word are happy,polite ,good speech,with the smile and not having anger.
3. Psychological Changes During Emotion
psychology changes during emotion is The most obvious signs of emotional involve changes in the activity .
thus, increase or decreases in heart rate, cutaneous blood flow (blushing or turning pale), piloerection, sweating, and gastrointestinal motility can all accompany various emotionsThese responses are brought about by changes in activity of repecting .
Do the physiological changes counstitute the emotion?
just what part the physiological respones playsin our conscious experience of pleasant or unpleasnat emotion such as a anger , fear and elation is a question which has long puzzled psychology.
Perhaps this relationship helps explain how good action can be so convincing. Nevertheless, we are quite adept at recognizing the difference between a contrived facial expression and the spontaneous smile that accompanies a pleasant emotional state.
4. The role of the nervous system in emotion
All of the internal and many of external sings of emotion are commanded by the autonomic nevrous system and carried out bysmooth muscle tissues of the viscera.by the heart muscle,and by the glad s. ofcause some of the objective sings of emotion ,such as smiling ,cowering or fleeing,are carried out by somatic nervous and muscular systems. the moedern point of view is that two systems are different in the central control areas of the brain .an understandinf of your emotionl life is not possible without some rudimentary knowledge of how the nerous system functions in emotion.
subcortical centers of emotion
the subcortical enters of emotion mentioned in the tex can be located only approximated on a diagram such as this. the amygdal,
for example, is buried with in the temporal lobe.as explained in the tex ,the septal area in lower animals is a clearly definable region just beneath the forward bend of the corpus callosum,but in man the components have become scattered . the pyriform cortex is a poorly defined area on the underside of the temporal lobe.
Centerrs of Emotion in the Brain
The autonomic nervous system is only the peripheral part of the neural mechanism for emotin .
higher centers in the brain receive message from it and delivermessage both to it and to somatic nervous to give thepatterns of emotinal display.both cortical and subcortial structures are involved.
5. Emotion and Health
being mental emotions are harming you
anger: weakens the liver
grief: weakens the lung
tress:weakens the stomachand brain
fear :weakens the kidney
pass from,these you will be well and healthy ,therefore -to stay happy,health and fit .
think good/ talk good / help to needy,save mother nature and Humanity.
6. How Emotions Develop
emotional development in childhood
yanug children are most likely to repond emotionaly to tangible events.they are angered by the frustration of their immediate wants and find joy in the immedate and the obvious their own
accomplishments, funny sounds physical incongruities. their fears are more often of tangible than imaginary objects and are aroused chiefly by things which seem fightening because they are unfamiliar.
at the child develops the capacity to pereive things
more accurately andto remember and anticipate
events , he begins responding emotionally to events
and situations as signs of possible fulfillment or
frustration in the future.
Emotional problems of old age
1.At best ,old age is likely to be a time of deprivation .family relationships change, accuptional status is lost , and friends die .
2.decreased physical vigor forces the elderly person to give up many activities that formerly brought satisfaction.and all too often financial resources become so limited that they are a cause of active anxiety .
3.it is little wonder that older people have a reputation for being irritable.
adjustment in marrige is fundamental
facet of emotion maturity. marrige
agives the partners an opportunity
for the satisfation of their need for
companionship,affection.in our
society,marriage and the home
providethe ideal situation for
procreation and the rearing of
children the family is also our basi
economic unit.
choosing a marrige partner
marrige involves the close cooperation two persons.
success inmarrige is a matter partly of finding the right person. partly of being the right person.
1 . religion
2 . education
3.. character
Newby: kamazone daily
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